Senior/Mid-Week & Tertiary Membership Application FormNew members are always welcome! Please complete the form below. Membership applications are considered at monthly Management Committee meetings. This form is only required for senior, tertiary and mid-week members. Juniors simply need to register at the Club when they come to enrol. Shirley Tennis Club (inc) Application for Membership Title Mr Mrs Miss Dr Name Street Address Suburb Post Code Cellphone Email address I agree to my private phone number being displayed on the clubhouse membership list Occupation (if applicable) Age and Date of Birth (if under 21) Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact Cellphone I wish to become a: Full Senior Member (7 day access) Midweek Member (Monday-Friday only) Tertiary Member (7 day access) Social Member (Non playing) I am happy for any photos of me taken at the club to be used on the Shirley Tennis Club website How did you hear about the Club? Facebook Google Search School leaflet drop School Newsletter Love Tennis Promotion Through a Friend/Relative Other Other, please specify: In order for us to provide evenly matched games on club days, please indicate your current standard of play. I am just starting to play tennis I can place shots with moderate success and can sustain a rally of slow pace I can play to a good club standard I have the ability to play a high standard Have you been a member of any other club? Yes No If yes, which club? Have you played any competition tennis? Yes No If yes, which grade? Do you have oter family members at the Shirley Tennis Club? Yes No If yes, please provide names On acceptance into the Club, I will abide by its Rules and By-Laws. I agree to this Club forwarding information to the Canterbury/New Zealand Tennis Associations for the purposes of the efficient management and operation of tennis and allow the Club to us You must enable JavaScript to submit this form