News and Events

2024 AGM

Tuesday 30 July 2024 - 7pm

Our 99th AGM is scheduled for Tuesday 30 July 2024 at 7pm in the Clubrooms.

All Members are encouraged to attend.

Please bring a plate for supper after the AGM.

2024 Season Dates

Starting 31 August 2024

The 2024/25 season is nearly here! If you miss these opening dates you can still join any time throughout the season.

Seniors - Sat 31 August 1.30pm-5pm
Mid-Week - Tue 3 Sept 9.30am - 1pm
Juniors - Sat 7 Sept 9am and 10am
Twilight - Wed 2 Oct 6pm-8pm

Love Tennis Open Day 2024

Sunday 8 September 2024

Come down to Shirley Tennis Club for a fun day with friends or family. Free group coaching sessions – no experience needed. Rackets and balls will be available or bring your own. Plus exclusive offers for new members who join on the day. 


Shirley Tennis Club Seniors Tournament 2024

Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 June 2024

Shirley welcomes new and former players to their 2024 Senior Tournament.

Saturday 15 June: Women's and Mens Doubles
Sunday 16 June: Mixed Doubles

Entries close 12 June 2024

2023 Senior Handicap Tournaments

Sunday 17, 24 Sep and 1 Oct

Mens & Ladies Singles - Sunday 17 Sep
Mens & Ladies Doubles - Sunday 24 Sep
Mixed Doubles - Sunday 1 Oct

1pm start time for all tournaments. First to 21 points, and players start on different points based on ability. Entries close the Saturday prior - please write your name on the sheet in the clubrooms or text/email Nicole Fitchett.

Shirley Tennis Club Euchre Evening

Friday 18 March 2022 from 7pm

Come along for a fun night of Euchre.

$5 entry fee per player

Light Suppler - Gold coin donation

Bill McIntosh Over 35 Mixed Doubles 2022

Saturday 12 March 2022 - 12.30pm start

Our annual Bill McIntosh Over 35 Mixed Doubles event will be held on Saturday 12 March commencing at 12.30pm.


Wednesday 5 August 2020

The Shirley Tennis Club was awarded the Tennis Canterbury Club of the Year award!



Shagley Trophy 2020

Sunday 14 April 2019

The return match against Hagley-Te Kura is scheduled for our Club on Sunday 19 April 2020

8 men and 8 women will play one doubles and two mixed doubles matches commencing at 12.30pm. 30 minutes matches with short deuces.

Contact a Match Committee member if interested in playing as part of our team


Senior Closing Day & Prizegiving 2020

Saturday 28 March 2020 at 5.00pm

Senior prize giving will be held after organised play.

Pot Luck Dinner

Spring Garden Awards 2020

October 2016

The Shirley Tennis Club was placed 2nd in it's section in Christchurch Beautifying Association Spring garden competition.

A special thanks goes to Megan and Malcolm for their efforts with the gardens this season.



Junior Club Championships 2019/20

Sunday 11 and 18 February 2018

The Junior Club Championships will be held on Sunday 9 February (Boys) and Sunday 16 February 2020 (Girls).

An entry sheet is in the Clubrooms and entries close the day before the scheduled championship date. Players can choose their own doubles partner.

All finals will be played on the following Saturday afternoon from 4pm. 

All juniors are encouraged to participate.



Quiz Event

Sunday 12 August 2018 - 2.00pm start

A winter fundraising Quiz event will be held in the Clubrooms on Sunday 4 August 2019 at 4.30pm.

Teams of 4 can be entered and the cost is $10 per person. LIMITED TO 13 TEAMS.

If you want to be placed in a team let Ching know

CATEGORIES - Last 7 days/NZ Trivia/General Knowledge/Photography/History/Entertainment

Any donated prizes would be welcome. Members are encouraged to gather prizes from local businesses for this fundraising event.

Tickets are available from the Clubrooms or contact -

Ching Evans            Cell: 021 050-3223


Sports Trivia Quiz

Friday 8 February 2019 - 7.30pm

Our annual Sports Trivia Quiz will be held on Friday 8 February 2019 commencing at 7.30pm Entry fee is $20 per team of four. Please enter team on noticeboard in Clubrooms or contact Wayne Turner.

Strawberries & Champagne Day

Saturday 16 December 2017

ur annual Strawberries & Champagne Day will be held on Saturday 16 December 2017.

Play will commence at 1.30pm on the day and members can share in the strawberries and champagne for the day. A pot luck dinner will be held at the end of play on the day.

All senior, mid-week, and twilight members are welcome to attend on this day.



Twilight Tennis Season Starts!

Wednesday Evenings 6pm-8pm

Twilight tennis starts on Wednesday 27 September 2017 from 6pm - 8pm!

New and existing members all welcome!


Handicap Doubles and Mixed Championships

24 Sept 2017

9am start Choose your own partner and enter on sheet in Clubrooms by Saturday 23 September 2017

Tennis Xpress and Cardio Adult Tennis Coaching

September 2017 -

Tennis Xpress & Cardio Tennis course dates for adults confirmed! See dates under coaching section in website and register to secure a spot

Club Championship Singles 2016/17

Sunday 22 January 2017

The Club Championship Singles events will be held on Sunday 22 January 2017 commencing at 9am.

An entry sheet is on the noticeboard. Entries close Sunday 15 January 2017 at 5pm


Xmas/New Year Playing Times

December 2016 - January 2017

New Courts!

1 October 2016

I am pleased to report the tennis club has secured lease approval to build our two new courts which has been a two year process!

A gap will be between the two sets of courts to work around an historic right of way that needs to be kept free. This area will be sealed, and fenced off at both ends,  and will make for a great viewing area between both sets of courts. Our old courts 8 and 9 will be taken over by the Richmond Working Men's Club cricket section as a training and storage area once our new courts are built.

 Work stated on Tuesday 25 October and the base is expected to be complete by Xmas. The courts then then need to sit for 3-4 weeks to allow the asphalt to dry before the top coat (synpave) is applied. The courts should be in use by the nend of January 2017

Unfortunately this application did not include the lighting approval, so this is being sought now and all going well will come through during this season. Lighting poles will be installed as part of this new court construction as we don't foresee any issues getting this approval for floodlights to be installed on all four hardcourts.

Replacement of Courts 5-7

Commencing late July 2015

The repair of courts 5-7 is was completed on Friday 2 October 2015!

This project saw the old synthetic grass removed, the base damage repaired, and then new synthetic grass laid on all 3 courts. This is another significant milestone for the Club in it's post-earthquake recovery.

The courts cosmetically look fantastic and will play slowly until they have been used for a period.




Wayne Turner receives Canterbury Tennis Award

Mid-July 2015

Life member and junior administrator Wayne Turner has been awarded the Personality of the Year award at the recent Tennis Canterbury Awards.

This award is in recognition of the lead Wayne has taken in the earthquake recovery fundraising efforts over the last four year years.

Wayne Turner POTY 300x188

Official Opening of new Pavillion

Saturday 31 January 2015

The Club will be celebrating the opening of the new Pavilion on Saturday 31 January 2015. Organised play will start as usual at 1.30pm and resume after the opening ceremony that is scheduled for 2.30pm. Members are encouraged to bring a plate for afternoon tea. A BBQ is also scheduled for 5.30pm. All past and existing members are welcome to attend